sobota, 30 sierpnia 2008

Father & Son...

Od czasu do czasu zdarza mi sięscrapnąć moich chłopców...
Oto co z tego wychodzi...

paper - RR_PassingThoughts_Paper (1), RR_PassingThoughts_Paper (5) Passing Thoughts
cards - RR_PassingThoughts_Element (32), lance - RR_PassingThoughts_Element (21) Passing Thoughts, frame - BA_frame04_braun BA_Strawberry_sampler, rest - Dad and Mum by Cecile
font - LoosieScript, Porcelain

paper - Papier 1 Brindille-genedes
twig - mimilou-élément15, staple - mimilou-élément28 mimilou_fiona_freebie, rest - boy-zone_aprilmouse-hanulienka
font - Kuba_reczny

paper - dcorbitt_beautifulday_pp2
flower - waterLO_NearTheWall i waterLO_NearTheWall (2), lance - dcorbitt_beautifulday_bunchedribbon, frame - dcorbitt_justbetweenunme_frames, twig - Paula design-countryside06, stick - Paula design-countryside07, hart - Paula design-countryside11, sznurek - Paula design-countyside13, staple - addon-odouce-kikinou
font - Dali, Honey I Stole your Jumper

piątek, 29 sierpnia 2008

Me and Kamil...

Chyba nie wygrzebię sięz tych zaległych scrapów...
Ale próbuję... Oto kolejna porcja...
Tym razem ja i Kamil i dwóch odsłonach...

paper - papierz papierkale
frame - ramek2 & twig - AH_twig2 AH_Citadell, frame - mine, overloy - scrapidea-meadov overlay, buterflies - scrapidea-butterfly (3) & scrapidea-butterfly elements-scrapidea-timkova, butterfly - motyl_jarkab1 mega_jarkab1 Megakit BC , ribbon - dcorbitt_beautifulday_bunchedribbon, doodle - element11 & staple - element12 carnetdevoyage_julydesigns
WA - dcorbitt_justbetweenunme_unme

paper: JFIAL_Paper_01
frame - JFIAL_Frame, splash - line_sunflower_freebie_element01, lace - Un brin de nature By-COCO&co-dentellerouge, stitch - Un brin de nature By-COCO&co-couture défaite, redcurrant - Un brin de nature By-COCO&co-baie, ladybirds - beruny SUMMER KIT, rest - Petit Arc-en-ciel
WA - love_you_mom_wa-AG

czwartek, 28 sierpnia 2008


Czasem przychodzi mi ochota na zescrapowanie siebie samej...
Oto efekty...

paper - Paper8 For All Memorys
twig - waterLO_NearTheWall (30), flowers - waterLO_NearTheWall (13), rest - For All Memorys
font - Kuba_reczny

paper - PP04_by_BA_for_BC, line_charming_partie2blog_papier03
bow - line_charming_partie2blog_element03, string - happy-scrap-cordon happy-scrap-soon summer, doodle - doodle1 jardin d'été by krystel, ribbon - ribbon04_by_BA_for_BC, frame - frame02_by_BA_for_BC, doodle - doodle04_by_kacirka_for_BC, leaves - doodle04_by_kacirka_for_BC, agrafe - Akiloune - akiloune kit origami - agrafe, frame - Myo-Mega kit CT-Star d'un jourr (70), flower - Myo-Mega kit CT-Star d'un jourr (54),
WA - Love is the beauty of the soul-inspiredmommiedesigns

paper - Magic background Magic background and elements by NatashaNaSt
frame - wlop_gy (44) at Grandma's the back yard, Brilliants - Magic background and elements by NatashaNaSt, range forom feathers - 24 freebie mini kit Myosotis by NatashaNaSt, rest - Maelia-Beautiful nature_Elements
font - Velvet

środa, 27 sierpnia 2008


Bloga czas reaktywować...
Mijają wakacje... Ciepłe, rodzinne, leniwe...
Scrapów cała seria się zebrała, więc coś z tym zrobić muszę...

Zacznę od RAK-ów...
Pierwszy dla Doti...

paper - 2 déšt by Kubivet
bracket - AWP_Land&Sea_AcrylicBracket2, attache - Nani_Attache3, branche - Nani_branche Nani Prune, twig - waterLO_NearTheWall (36), water - eau effet-eau_UnderWater, rest - déšt by Kubivet
font - JP Hand
foto - Doti

Drugi dla Pati...

paper - Choubi_Zone_D'aventure_Papiers (7)
frame - Choubi_Adventure_Zone_Cadres (1), twig - Choubi_Adventure_Zone_Feuilles (3), stamp - Choubi_Adventure_Zone_Eléments (3), gliter - Choubi_Adventure_Zone_Glitter (2), rest - Dad&Mum by Cécile
foto - Pati